Sisters Circle


Sisters4Islam hold regular Halaqahs for those seeking knowledge. It’s a good way to form friendships and offer support to each other.



Sisters Circle

“…Whenever people gather to recite the book of Allah and study it among themselves, then tranquillity descends upon them, the Angels surround them, mercy covers them, and Allah mentions them to those who are with him…” (Muslim)


Sisters4Islam has been holding regular Halaqahs for those seeking knowledge since 2009.

Attending these circles helps to forge a sense of Sisterhood. Halaqahs can be a good way to get to know your Sisters in Islam, form friendships and support each other.


These Halaqahs will help you to:-

  • learn and observe the etiquettes of gatherings
  • to interact with different personalities
  • encourage only positive speech
  • organise your life around the deen
  • boost you emaan
  • surround yourself in the company of righteous women who can inspire and humble you to become grateful for the favours from Allah.

Beneficial knowledge

Our monthly Halaqahs offers a regular space for you to learn and observe beneficial knowledge that you can reinforce by sharing what you have learnt with your family.

What are you waiting for? Join us. Please check out our Facebook page for the latest information.


 What We Do

Empowering Communities who are in charitable need, in particular, vulnerable women and their families. Here are just some of the Services & Projects we offer

Hunger Relief

Our Hunger Relief program helps to supply food and medication to those in need.


Sisters4Islam has been holding regular Halaqahs for those seeking knowledge since 2009.

Wells for Africa

Providing clean, safe water to those in need

Youth & Children

Supporting ongoing activities and projects for the local community

Orphans & Elderly

Dedicated to providing consistent support to orphans and the elderly.

Iftar Program

 The Iftar program runs every weekend during the month of Ramadan for women and children.

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